Need any help or advice?+44 (0)1782 454499
At Easy Composites Ltd we have been involved with Formula Student cars and teams for many years and we cannot emphasise enough the significance we attach to the series for the future of motorsports engineering, and of course our passion which is composites in motorsport.
Although we recognise the importance of securing sponsorship as part of the process, we feel that as a manufacturer and supplier working in motorsports composites we do not want to single-out individual teams for sponsorship at the expense of others. Instead, our policy is to offer teams a flat-rate discount of 10% off all our materials and supplies and in addition, hopefully of much greater value, we offer to work with team members and faculty staff to ensure the most effective use of advanced composite materials on the car.
Although we work with many teams to help them achieve their goals we would never share information between teams and our only allegiance is towards the goal of helping all teams improve the effectiveness of advanced composites in their car.
We have advised teams on pattern-making, mould making, core materials, honeycomb structures, resin infusion, prepreg and bonding/assembly! Come to us with your ideas and we will use our knowledge and experience to give you the best chance of realising them in the real world.
As well as discounted materials we are happy to be on the end of the phone for technical help and advice, and where practical we are even open to the odd 'drop-in' to demonstrate processes or investigate problems.
In return, we ask for a mention in the sponsors/supporters section of your promotional material and most importantly a link from your team's website to the Easy Composites website. Many teams feel that the support we have provided warrants a logo on the vehicle itself but that is entirely at your discretion.
Click here to download our media pack which contains the Easy Composites logo and company information in useful formats.
If you're a team member, lecturer or technician working for or with a Formula Student team and you're not working with us already then we would be very pleased to hear from you.
Please contact our customer technical adviser, Warren Penalver by emailing to start working with us.
Easy Composites Ltd, registered in England 7486797. All content copyright (C) Easy Composites Ltd, 2025. All rights reserved.