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Polishing Compound

Many composites manufacturing processing require polishing and finishing, whether that's pattern making, mould finishing, mould restoration or component finishing and in many cases, flatting and finishing material surfaces to a high standard can be the most time consuming part of the production process. For this reason, having the best performing cutting and polishing compounds, specifically designed for harder materials like resins (including epoxy), gelcoats, fillers and primers, common in composites, can make a real difference.

Our range of cutting and polishing compounds come from specialist Italian manufacturer Pai Cristal. We have found their range of polishing compounds to offer exceptional performance, particularly with difficult to polish resins like epoxy. The unique formula of Pai Cristal compounds mean they don't dry out, reducing over-heating and getting to the end result faster.

Many composites manufacturing processing require polishing and finishing, whether that's pattern


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